Daily Calorie Intake Calculator

In the calculator below, enter the desired information about the person you want to know the calorie requirement and click the calculate button.

Below this page, you can also find the answers for frequently asked questions about this subject.
Daily Calorie Intake Calculator
* Required fields.
  1. e.g 32
  2. cm
    (e.g 172)
  3. kg
    (e.g 69)

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What is your daily calorie need?

Basal metabolism consists of three main components: energy spent in the digestion of foods taken from exercise and diet. The major determinant is the basal metabolic rate. BMR represents the amount of energy consumed while resting or sleeping, ie when no activity is shown, and accounts for 60 to 80 percent of the daily spent calories.

Physical activity is also an important factor in energy consumption, that is, weight gain or gain. If the physical activity is increased, the metabolism rate and thus the daily caloric requirement are increased.

What is the basal metabolic rate?

It is the most important factor that determines how much a person who wants to lose weight will lose weight with diet. For example; It shows how much energy should be burned to ensure the conversion of the substances in the body to each other and to maintain the biological events, such as when the sugar taken orally is converted into fat in the liver and stored in the subcutaneous fat tissue. Genes are affected by many factors such as sex, age, body weight, body temperature and exercise.

How many calories per day should I take?

The amount to be taken daily varies from person to person. The calculator uses the Harris-Benedict principle to determine calories spent in a day. The most important factors in this principle are the basal metabolic rate calculated according to the weight, height and age of the person, as well as the amount of nutrients taken equivalent to the energy spent in daily activities.

The formula used to determine the basal metabolic rate is given below.

For women: 655 + 9.6 X (weight in kg) + 1.8 X (height in centimeters) - 4.7 X (age)

For men: 66 + 13.7 X (weight in kg) + 5 X (height in centimeters) - 6.8 X (age)